Summer Student Job Information 2025
General Information
Job Title: Gallery Youth Ambassador X 2 Duration: 18 weeks
Start & End Dates: May 5, 2025 – August 31, 2025
Language of work: English Other relevant info: N/A
Project/Job Objectives
Main Objectives: This project aims to achieve the following objectives: 1) Take advantage of our current location (under a parkade on a side street) by transforming an industrial-looking structure into a vibrant hub for artistic activity in the community and therefore increase the visibility of the Gallery; 2) Fill a gap within community and district programming by creating an affordable, accessible, and inclusive evening activity for youth of the North Okanagan; 3} Provide a comprehensive employment and learning opportunity for two post-secondary students interested in the culture sector or not-for-profit organizations during the summer of 2025. 4) Provide space and opportunity for young artists working in a variety of mediums to demonstrate their craft to a broader audience; 5} Increase the capacity of gallery staff during the busy summer season. “·
The Gallery Youth Ambassadors’ main role is to engage the 16-24 demographic and create partnerships with the area’s youth organizations to help expand the gallery’s reach within the community, with targeted event and programming, as well as providing general support to gallery operations.
In 2009, through the Young Canada Works program, the VPAG was able to establish a vital annual summer event for the North Okanagan, Riot on the Roof, which has grown in both scope and complexity– enabling us to provide two challenging full-time student positions during the summer months. VPAG receives a small grant each year through a Provincial Gaming Grant to cover direct event expenses (artist honorariums, equipment rentals, etc.} and we have also been successful in securing a modest amount of local event sponsorship. The event would not be possible, however, without the contributions of the Federal Government in the form of a Young Canada Works grant to support the two student positions which are integral to producing this event. There are currently no public events of this type and scope taking place in Vernon and the surrounding communities.
Riot on the Roof is an alternative, art-focused event targeting the 16-24 age range. Combining a program that showcases emerging artists practicing in a wide variety of media (from spoken word to video installations} with a youth audience target. The students are tasked with transforming the utilitarian structure into a hub of artistry. Each year students have interpreted this challenge in a unique way, producing one-of-a-kind combinations of interactive activities, performances, and showcases. This project was initiated by one student in 2009, and it soon became clear that the complexities and limited timeline for implementing this project required the skills of two students. For the volunteers and the successful YCW candidates have been able to work as a team to engage the target audience, solicit sponsorship, manage marketing and project development, engage exhibiting artists, recruit volunteers, and comply with the contracts and permits required by the City of Vernon to host this event. Each year, Riot on the Roof is re imagined through the lens and unique talents that the students bring to the role of Gallery Youth Ambassador. The successful students will have access to Post Event Reports created by previous Youth Ambassadors and will use these, as well as recommendations from supervisors, to plan and implement their vision for the 2025 event and corresponding lead-up activities.
The top two floors of the parkade are transformed into a video lounge, hands-on activity areas, and installation areas for visual arts, while the roof becomes a multistage hub for musicians and performance artists. Welcoming approximately 300-500 guests annually, this event attracts talented up-and-coming artists from the local community and surrounding regions, introducing their work to a broad audience. The overall aim is to provide a venue for these artists to showcase their work while creating an affordable, accessible, and inclusive public event for the youth demographic which is suitable for all age groups who have an interest in exploring alternative forms of art.
This exciting position provides students with an opportunity to hone their employability skills in a variety of areas including project management, event planning, sponsorship solicitation, communications, networking, and financial management. This experience also exposes students to the operations and programming required to run a growing non-profit cultural organization.
Measurable Outcomes
- Social Media Marketing and Oversight: It is expected that the students will work with marketing staff to create social media content affiliated with Riot on the Roof and provide post updates as directed. Students will be granted access to appropriate social media accounts to manage events, promotion, and general online marketing to reach the target demographic for the event. Students will learn to utilize web analytics and create cross-platform marketing campaigns.
- Meeting Sponsorship Targets: It is expected that students will develop and attain a target for community sponsorship for the event and create partnerships with local leaders. Students will have an opportunity to work with the Executive Director to develop these targets.
- Activity Development and Event Continuity: Students will be expected to complete all target activities and ensure that Riot on the Roof is executed in accordance with Gallery standards and protocol. This will require students to consult the VPAG’s strategic plan, policy manual, and marketing materials.
- Statistics and Qualitative Reporting: Students will be expected to keep accurate records on event participants, preparatory measures, volunteers, and staff hours. Students will learn the importance of statistical reporting for non-profit organizations and best practices for tracking information.
- Develop a Post-Mortem Event Report: Students will be expected to complete a Post-Mortem report for Riot on the Roof that includes a comprehensive summary of previous feedback, preparatory measures, event details, statistics, budgets, and suggestions for future events. Students will have the chance to work with the Gallery Administration to complete the report.
The goals of this project will be met by providing supervision and staff support for the summer student(s} positions. The Gallery has a strong and collaborative team environment which will aid the student(s} in being successful with their work-plan.
This position will be considered successful if:
- The Gallery’s youth/young adult audience has been maintained or expanded through the activities undertaken and by the successful completion of Riot on the Roof
- The student has gained new employable skills to further their professional goals and have gained confidence in their abilities
- Success will be demonstrated through reporting and record keeping and through feedback received by event attendees and fellow employees
Specific Tasks
- Review work completed by previous YCW students as it pertains to this position.
- Working collaboratively, the two students should create a vision for the 2025 event.
- Update relevant social media sites and build on the audience that has already been developed through a combination of online engagement and the creation of Gallery activities.
- Working under the supervision of the Executive Director, carrying out event planning, execution, and review.
- Create and execute an operational plan for Riot on the Roof and affiliated activities.
- Liaise with the City of Vernon, By-Law and Facilities Managers, Downtown Vernon Association, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, JCI (Junior Chamber of Commerce), and various business leaders.
- Create a sponsorship target and solicitation package to secure sponsorship for Riot on the Roof.
- Working with Curatorial staff brainstorming specific visual art components for the event, then creating a call to artists to identify potential participants to book for the event.
- Working with VPAG Marketing and Events Coordinator, create and distribute promotional material for Riot on the Roof and affiliated activities.
- Recruit volunteers for a variety of roles to accommodate up to 500 people at Riot on the Roof.
- Book security and equipment rentals as well as electricians and sound technicians.
- Arrange food and beverage vendors
- Track budget, statistics, and event outcomes
- Connect with and create relationships with other youth groups in the North Okanagan.
In addition to playing a lead role in facilitating this annual event, the Youth Ambassadors will also work:
- To expand the Gallery’s younger audience (teens/young adults) at established events, activities, and exhibitions hosted by the Gallery
- To update and invigorate the Gallery’s social media with a focus on engaging youth/young adults. By tapping into the online networks frequented by this population, the Gallery is in a better position to interact and include this group in the activities of the Gallery
- By assisting with the organization of VPAG’s annual Midsummer’s Eve of the Arts in July, the students will gain some important skills to aid them in the planning and implementation of Riot on the Roof.
- To provide support to administration and fund development roles at the Gallery, maintaining the sponsorship component to Riot on the Roof which will help to ensure the sustainability of this summer program.
- Assisting Gallery Attendant volunteers as required with cash handling, telephone inquiries, recording statistics, welcoming and directing visitors, and other related duties
- Progress reporting
- Attendance at supervision meetings
- Other tasks as directed by the Executive Director
Work Plan
- Gallery orientation and project introduction Review Gallery’s online and social media presence
- Engage with target population through social media and related community organizations and events Review previous years’ report for Riot on the Roof event
- Develop an implementation plan for Riot on the Roof, including a sponsorship component
- Contact the high schools before the end of the school year {for volunteers and participants) Support events staff in the implementation of Midsummer’s Eve of the Arts, an important step in learning the skills that will be needed in leading the Riot on the Roof event.
- Secure sponsorships and artists for Riot on the Roof
- Facilitate Gallery activities created for the target demographic such as Take Part in Street Art, video screenings, ad hands-on activities
- Provide support to VPAG’s signature fundraising event Midsummer’s Eve of the Arts
- Continue to work with social media; finalize details for Riot on the Roof, recruit and schedule volunteers
- Finalize all plans for Riot on the Roof, including obtaining appropriate permits and permissions
- Complete and submit a Post-Mortem Event Report for summer activities/events
June-August {Ongoing):
- Provide staff support in general operations which will include greeting and directing Gallery visitors, sales support in the gift shop, and miscellaneous administration support where required. This will include learning point of sale procedures, appropriate interaction skills when working with gallery visitors and providing information services when requested. Assist with the implementation of the Gallery’s annual fundraiser, Midsummer’s Eve of the Arts.
Employability Skills
Students will have the opportunity to develop the following fundamental skills needed to expand their base of knowledge in the workforce:
- Communication Skills: Students will be challenged to use a variety of communication skills in these positions. Networking, both in person and online through social media, creation of written reports, and event promotional materials are all requirements of these positions.
- Information Management: Students will be required to track and record information in a variety of ways. Accurate statistics will be required for all related programming; participation lists, contact lists and budgets will need to be managed in a variety of different methods.
- Financial Management: Students will learn to set and manage a budget for Riot on the Roof as well as learn the importance of developing sponsorship partners for non-profit organizations.
- Project Management: Students will have an in-depth experience in event planning, volunteer coordination, activity development, and building community connections to successfully host Riot on the Roof. Students will learn to communicate with internal and external contacts and manage finances, volunteers, track statistics, and staff contributions among other duties. This is an ideal opportunity to learn how to best manage a complex project within a finite timeline.
Personal Management Skills will be developed in the following ways:
- A supportive atmosphere will be provided to help ensure the student can excel in demonstrating a positive work ethic. These positions are exciting ones for the students to be involved in and should provide them with the opportunity to gain confidence in their abilities to organize, communicate and engage with our targeted youth demographic.
- Adaptability is paramount for these positions as they will be asked to not only work on their main event but be able to assist with other positions at the gallery when needed. Adaptability and an ability to problem solve is needed when coordinating performances and exhibitors that will form the artistic components of the Riot on the Roof event.
- Responsibility: Although the position has set objectives, to accomplish these, the students will need to be able to set their own goals and detailed timelines. There is the opportunity to grow their skills in a variety of ways and we will encourage and challenge the students to stretch their boundaries where learning and experience are concerned.
- Safety: As part of their orientation, safety will be addressed, and students will be expected to implement safety standards into their planning process for activities and events that they are responsible for.
- Teamwork is a main component at the Vernon Public Art Gallery. As a smaller institution, staff work hard on supporting each other in their various roles within the Gallery team. It is important that our staff is adaptable and supportive of the overall vision of the Gallery. The students will have a clear set of objectives for the Gallery Youth Ambassador positions, but within that will have the opportunity to engage other staff in achieving those objectives and in turn will have the opportunity to aid in other operational areas within the gallery environment.
Candidate Profile
- Being a public, non-profit cultural facility, the Vernon Public Art Gallery welcomes participation from the Government of Canada’s job equity groups. The proposed positions have the flexibility to accommodate such individuals.
- Education: some post-secondary coursework in any of the following are considered an asset: business, marketing, tourism, graphic design, sociology, fine arts, and communications.
- Experience: interacting with the general public, knowledge of Arts and Culture, event management, familiarity with the North Okanagan and Vernon an asset.
- Skills: excellent interpersonal/communication skills; excellent writing and editing skills; ability to work independently or as a team member; planning, organization and time management skills; research skills; and cash handling.
- Business Equipment usage: Proficient in the use of computers and Microsoft Office Suite, familiarity with Square Point-of-Sale system, cloud-based organizational tools; calculator; copy/fax machine.
- Application deadline: April 19, 2025, Applications may be submitted attention Dauna Kennedy, by:
- Completing online application form located on VPAG’s website (link will be provided on actual job posting.)
- Job posting will be sent to appropriate government sites, local employment service organizations, local post-secondary job boards, as well as being advertised in the local media.
- The selection process will involve short listing the applications received; provision of the Job Description upon request; a set of interview questions will be compiled, and two people will take part in the interview process with all prospective candidates; references will be checked prior to official offer of employment.
- All job postings will include the following statement: To ensure YCW eligibility, all applicants must have
been full time students during the last academic year and be returning to full time study in the fall of 2025.
Confirmation of this requirement will also be obtained during the interview process.
YCW Job Poster
Gallery Youth Ambassador X 2
Vernon Public Art Gallery 3228-31 Avenue
Vernon, B.C.
V1T 2H3
Start date: May 1, 2025
End date: August 31, 2025
This position will be responsible for the following:
- Updating and maintaining appropriate social media sites in order to build the Gallery’s online presence with a focus on engaging youth/young adults.
- Taking a lead role in the planning and implementation of summer activities including the Gallery’s summer wrap-up event, Riot on the Roof.
- providing support to regular Gallery operations as required
Education: some post-secondary coursework
Experience: working with the public, knowledge of Arts and Culture an asset, event planning
Skills: takes initiative, excellent interpersonal/communication skills; excellent writing and editing skills; ability to work independently or as a team member; planning, organization and time management skills; research skills, cash management
Business Equipment usage: Proficient in the use of computers and Microsoft Office Suite, familiarity with Square Point-of-Sale system, cloud-based organizational tools; calculator; copy/fax machine.
Application deadline: April 19, 2025
- Please complete the online application form located on VPAG’s website (link will be provided on actual job posting.)
To ensure YCW eligibility, all applicants must have been full time students during the last academic year and be returning to full time study in the fall of 2025. Confirmation of this requirement will also be obtained during the interview process.
Orientation and training
- The students will be introduced to Gallery staff and regular volunteers and learn about their various roles within Gallery operations. Orientation of the various aspects of Gallery operations, including safety, will be conducted by appropriate staff members to ensure the students feel comfortable as members of the gallery team and with approaching the appropriate staff person with any questions they may have during the course of their work.
- VPAG policy manual, strategic plan and list of websites and social media accounts will be provided to help orient the students with the VPAG operations
- Once oriented to the Gallery protocol, the summer students will receive hands-on orientation from designated Gallery staff and ongoing support from the Executive Director, by way of regular supervision meetings.
- Regular meetings with the Executive Director and Curator will provide feedback and direction for the students. We have an open-door policy, so the students will have regular access to senior staff for any support or clarification.
- The students will have access to event reports from previous Gallery Youth Ambassadors to get a clear idea of some of the tasks, activities, and strategies that were implemented in the past. They will also have the benefit of reviewing suggestions for moving forward with the 2025 project.
- The summer students will have the opportunity to work alongside our current administrative employees, gift shop attendants, and regular volunteers to learn the basic functions for the front end of the Gallery. This is the public side of the operations and provides an opportunity to interact with visitors to the facility during the busy summer season.
- Students will have the opportunity to engage with School District staff, Chamber of Commerce members, local business leaders, local emerging artists, and North Okanagan youth groups through their capacity as Gallery Youth Ambassadors.
- The summer students will have the opportunity to work alongside our current administrative/curatorial employees and regular volunteers to learn the day-to-day operations of the Gallery.
- Once oriented to the Gallery protocol, the summer student(s) will receive hands-on enrichment from appropriate Gallery staff and ongoing support from the Executive Director, by way of regular supervision meetings.
- The Executive Director is easily accessible outside of supervision meetings for any questions or input regarding the progress of the position.
- Supervisor:
Dauna Kennedy
Executive Director
Vernon Public Art Gallery 3228-31st Avenue Vernon, BC
Characteristics of City/Region
“Greater Vernon is located between three lakes, surrounded by world renowned golf courses and Silver Star Mountain Resort. Greater Vernon is the largest city in British Columbia’s North Okanagan ·Regional
District and provides all the amenities of a major city. Located approximately 445 kms (262miles) from Vancouver and 600 kms {360 miles) from Calgary on Highway 97. Greater Vernon is 150 km (90 miles) north of the United States Border, and is easily accessible by air, bus and by car via Highway 1, 3, 5 and 6.” (Source: