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Artist Application

Exhibition Proposals

Applicants are reminded that education is the prime mandate of the Vernon Public Art Gallery. 

 Exhibitions are chosen based on the following criteria:

  • Professionalism/Intent

  • Quality

  • Educational value

  • Type of work

  • Availability of space​

Prospective exhibitors should be working artists with established exhibition history, demonstrated abilities/education, and serious artistic intent.  The Vernon Public Art Gallery is booked on an average of eighteen months in advance, and the selection process can take up to a year from initial contact. Unless there is a cancellation, it is unusual for an exhibitor to obtain a showing sooner than this. It is not our mandate to sell works of art, however, the Vernon Public Art Gallery does offer exhibiting artists honoraria (CARFAC) in two of its galleries. 

Exhibition proposals must consist of:

  • JPEG formatted images of your most recent work or works intended for the proposed exhibition on a flash drive or email directly to the curator. Please do not bring in the original artwork.

  • All images must be accompanied by a list of images indicating the title of the work, the year in which the work was produced, medium, and size.

  • A short biography.

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). This must include the artist’s exhibition history, media reports and/or published articles, exhibition catalogues, artistic involvement and education.

  • An artist statement and statement of intent for the proposed exhibition.

  • All materials submitted must be clearly marked and labelled. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish your proposal to be returned to you.

Mail applications to:
Curator, Vernon Public Art Gallery
3228 – 31st Avenue
Vernon BC,  V1T 2H3

email: curator@vernonpublicartgallery.com


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